The tenth edition of the Maker Faire Trieste has been held on September 2 and 3, 2023, in Piazza Unità d’Italia in Trieste.
List of all Makers and exhibitors.
The opening time for the public was 2pm–8pm on Saturday, 10am–6pm on Sunday.
VIDEO: Recorded and edited by Nicolò Blasi and Alessandro Suggi (Instagram: __.nik. & alessandro_suggi FB: Nicolò Blasi Photos YT:
You can find the official videoclip of MFTS 2023, filmed and edited by Nicolò Blasi and Alessandro Suggi, on YouTube, together with a second 20-minutes video made by the group “la radio nelle scuole 4.0”.
(Copyright 2023 ICTP. To get an high-resolution version of the pictures please contact the organizers)
As in the previous editions, the Club Soroptimist Trieste kindly offered also this year a few prizes for projects presented by women, chosen by a committee of members of the club:
Prize Lady Maker 2023 given to Erika Ronchin con il progetto “MTsoil sensors”, with this motivation: “ideatrice e realizzatrice di un metodo innovativo ed economico per il monitoraggio della temperatura e dell’umidità dei terreni in aree colpite da incendi, al fine di valutarne la rigenerazione”.
Prize for originality given to “Associazione Pic Knit Art Cafè aps”, with the motivation “realizza all’uncinetto superfici matematiche di curvatura negativa, difficilmente realizzabili con modelli in carta, sottolineando il gradevole impatto artistico dei lavori eseguiti”.
Prizes Maker Faire Trieste: three maker’s projects have been chosen for their originality and technical value by a jury composed by Giannina Ceschin (president), dirigente servizio trasformazione digitale del Comune di Trieste, Giovanni Enrico Nobili, funzionario informatico del Comune di Trieste, and Marco Zennaro, coordinatore dell’unità “Scienza, Tecnologia e Innovazione” dell’ICTP, the chosen makers also received three purchase coupons, kindly offered by Arduino and given by Massimo Banzi:
First Prize Maker Faire Trieste 2023 given to Marco Delise per il progetto “Res Mentis” “per aver saputo unire tecnologia e conoscenza nel creare una didattica innovativa”.
Second Prize Maker Faire Trieste 2023 given to Lorenzo De Luca per il progetto “Time & frequency syncing demo with atomic clock and GPS receiver” “per l’approccio innovativo utilizzato nella risoluzione di un problema in un ambito tecnologicamente complesso”.
Third Prize Maker Faire Trieste 2023 given to Mattia Monetti per il progetto Ant Workflow: PCB FABRICATION @HOME “per aver reso accessibile, con strumenti open, la progettazione e la produzione di tecnologie elettroniche”.
The same jury has also assigned the following three special prizes:
Prize Young Maker MFTS2023 given to Andrea Manzin per il progetto “Bobina di Tesla e Alta Tensione” “per la capacità e l’entusiasmo dimostrati nel trasmettere in modo comprensibile il progetto complesso realizzato”.
Special Jury Prize MFTS2023 given to Francesco Sonego per il progetto UniTS Racing Team “per aver saputo creare un team multidisciplinare in grado di affrontare con competenza e entusiasmo una sfida impegnativa”.
Prize Science Picnic Trieste 2023 given to Erik Romelli per il progetto “Science Industries – Water Rocket Launcher” “per il costante impegno dei membri di Science Industries nella divulgazione scientifica”.
(presenters and interviewers: Erik, Daniele and Thomas, Science Industries)
Saturday 2 September:
14:00 – 14:15 Opening of Maker Faire Trieste
14:15 – 14:45 “C’era una volta il Mammut” Flavio and Giorgia Bacchia, ZOIC (M-75)
14:45 – 15:00 Maker’s Time
15:00 – 15:45 ”Chem Show” Victor Tosoratti and Claudio Tavagnacco (M-61)
15:45 – 16:00 ”Scappamento libero a forza costante di Rieffler: funzionamento e applicazioni in ambito astronomico e ferroviario per la sincronizzazione del tempo” Alceo Solari, Giacomo Rupil (M-67)
16:00 – 16:45 ”Le mirabolanti macchine Steampunk” Alessandra Carrer and Luigi Garlaschelli (M-16)
16:45 – 17:00 Maker’s Time
17:00 – 18:15 Street Science SHARPER organised by Immaginario Scientifico and presented by Science Industries (M-22)
18:15 – 18:30 Maker’s Time
18:30 – 19:00 Greetings from the Authorities followed by Ceremony for the Prizes to Makers
19:00 – 19.45 Scuola Padawan by Star Wars Clan Trieste (M-64)
19:45 – 20:00 the fair closes
After 20:00 moving performances of Star Wars Clan Trieste: “Spade laser nella notte”
Sunday 3 September:
10:00 – 10:15 Opening
10:15 – 11:00 interviews and talks of makers
11:00 – 12:00 “Arduino e l’innovazione italiana: uno sguardo al futuro” Massimo Banzi
12:00 – 12:30 Maker’s Time
12:30 – 13:00 ”Le mirabolanti macchine Steampunk” Alessandra Carrer e Luigi Garlaschelli (M-16)
13:00 – 13:15 ”Scappamento libero a forza costante di Rieffler: funzionamento e applicazioni in ambito astronomico e ferroviario per la sincronizzazione del tempo” Alceo Solari, Giacomo Rupil (M-67)
13:15 – 14:00 interviews and talks of makers
14:00 – 14:15 Maker’s Time
14:15 – 15:00 interviews and talks of makers
15:00 – 15:20 “Il video gioco da bar in italia” Giuliano Tamburlini (M-12)
15:20 – 15:30 music from historical videogames
15:30 – 15:50 “Preservazione dei video giochi attraverso FPGA” Davide Lorigliola (M-12)
15:50 – 16:00 music from historical videogames
16:00 – 16:15 Maker’s Time
16:15 – 17:00 interviews and talks of makers
17:00 – 17:45 “10 anni di Maker Faire Trieste” Gaya Fior, Enrique Canessa and Carlo Fonda
17:45 – 18:00 the fair closes
Sunday from 15:00 to 18:00 “ghostbusters” performances around the fair!
Activities for kids and children (both days at all times):
Hiška eksperimentov (The Little House of Experiments, La Piccola Casa degli Esperimenti)
“Science Under 18: La scienza a scuola dai 3 anni in su”
For young and children:
“STREET SCIENCE SHARPER – Notte Europea dei Ricercatori”
For teachers:
We thank our sponsors and institutional partners: Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia (#IOSONOFRIULIVENEZIAGIULIA) and Comune di Trieste.
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For the implementation of Maker Faire Trieste 2023, the ICTP received the following contributions:
Sponsors and institutional partners in 2022: Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia (#IOSONOFRIULIVENEZIAGIULIA) and Comune di Trieste.
Our article on how to make a Maker Faire.
To get the higher resolution version of one or more photos, please contact the organisers (the ID/number of the photo is in the first three characters of the filename).
Photographer: Massimo Goina
Saturday 3 and Sunday 4
For the implementation of Maker Faire Trieste, the ICTP received the following contributions:
The 2021 edition of the Maker Faire Trieste was held on Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 September 2021 in Piazza Unità d’Italia.
Official Maker Catalogue 2021 (PDF): catalogo MF 21 lowres
The Maker Faire Trieste 2021 is hosting a multi-faceted Restart Party, a free event where a group of repairers will help you fix faults and malfunctions. More information HERE.
Download the flyer for the Call for Makers (PDF).
For the implementation of Maker Faire Trieste 2021, the ICTP received the following contributions:
Euro 22,500 from Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia
Euro 30,000 from Comune di Trieste (Municipality of Trieste).
The MFTS2020 has been held on 4 and 5 September (Friday and Saturday) 2020, from 2pm to 9 pm, in the main square of Trieste (Piazza Unità d’Italia), in front of the City Hall and the other historical building facing the sea… the most wonderful venue for an incredible event!
CATALOG of Makers 2020: download PDF (3MB)
MACETE LIVE on September 4th, from the MFTS:
Flying over the MFTS (drone’s eye video by Eugenio Cosolo):
Video report by Il Piccolo (Local newspaper):
Video Report of the event by Giulio Salvador:
Video-interviews to our Makers, by Datamagazine:
For the implementation of Maker Faire Trieste 2020, the ICTP received the following contributions:
Euro 25,000 from Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia
Euro 30,000 from Comune di Trieste (Municipality of Trieste).
ICTP Campus, Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 May 2019.
Download the Maker’s Catalogue (3.5MB PDF)
Look at the photo gallery (by Massimo Goina official photographer)
Watch the YouTube video recorded on Saturday!
Download the PhotoBooth pictures!
Download the MAP with List of MAKERS!
Look at the PROGRAMME of all activities on stage
The TSMMF hosted the final competitions of the European RoboCup@Home Education Challenge 2019.
There is no need for a long introduction to this event that has become one of the most waited for and loved by whom consider him/herself curious, tech lover, looking-forward to the future, ready to discover and learn, by the community of the future makers, the apprentice ones and the experienced ones. From the whole region, and also from Slovenia, Croatia and Austria, over 300 makers have gathered at the ICTP campus in Miramare, Trieste, with their projects, their inventions and ingenious ideas, all the fun, all activities, talks and show-offs, all workshops and challenges. Free entrance, with the patronage of ProESOF and independently organized and operated under license from Maker Media, Inc.
Tredicimila visitatori all’ICTP per la fiera dell’ingegno (il Piccolo)
Ricerca: da laser a stampe 3d, 300 maker in fiera a Trieste
Trieste, dal laser alle stampe 3D, 300 inventori alla Mini Maker Faire (Il Piccolo)
Scienza: torna all’Ictp di Trieste la Mini Maker Faire (
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and all #tsmmf posts on facebook
“Raccontare l’innovazione con creatività – TGR Friuli Venezia Giulia” Servizio sul TG Regionale RAI
“Trieste, tutti pazzi per la Mini Maker Faire” gallery di foto di Massimo Silvano
“Trieste, torna all’Ictp la Mini Maker Faire” su Il Piccolo on-line
“Questo weekend ritorna la Trieste Mini Maker Faire” della redazione di
cerca i twist con hashtag #tsmmf